Membership subscriptions for season 2024/25 have been set as follows with no change from last season. If you have young players progressing through the club your fees may be now be higher. The club cannot amend Standing Orders so please check you are paying the correct amount.

Section Annual Fee  Monthly Fee
Dinky Dragons £60 £5 per month
P1 - P4 £156 £13 per month
P5 - P7 £168 £14 per month
U13 - U14 £180 £15 per month
U15 - U16 £192 £16 per month
U18 £216 £18 per month
Student/Apprentice £120 £10 per month
Senior Male Player £240 £20 per month
Senior Female Player £120 £10 per month
Coach £60 £5 per month
Social Member £120 £10 per month
Unemployed £120 £10 per month


Discount for Families – A 50% reduction on fees for spouse/partner and children up to Under 18 applies if a senior/coach/social membership is paid in full.

All subscriptions are to be paid in full by 30th September unless a Standing Order is in place. If paying by Standing Order, payments must commence in September.

Please adjust any existing Standing Orders in line with the above and amend any payments for players moving up through the age groups. Standing Orders run continuously although it is worth checking your bank does not cancel payments after 12 months.

Forms for new members can be found here.

If you are setting up a Standing Order for the first time or want to confirm the amount due please email .

If you have any queries please contact the below.

Roddy Thomson
Membership Secretary